Postgraduate Studies
Reviewing what type of postgraduate I would like to take in the future, I am going through two options, one that is linked to Clinical Psychology and the other to Legal Psychology. Because they both seem so interesting to me, first, clinical psychology has important areas that help people in different ways I interested in Psychotherapy because is a process that helps derease emotional suffering trough awareness and understanding of our psychological conflicts. And Legal psychology has important interventions in the criminal sphere, which makes me think that it is very interactive with social psychology.
Subjects I would like to study are relations with the sexual aggression, this in case I would study Legal Psychology and other option is study about Adult Psychotherapy Clinic
Where I would like to study would be in some Spanish speaking country because other languages are difficult for me, but anyway I would like to work in my country because I think that this way I could contribute more closely with the different pleople or groups, for this reason I think I would like to study in a other country because this open news ways and experiences.
I don't know how I would like study, I think what part time because this can a good alternative for case If I work in the future.
Subjects I would like to study are relations with the sexual aggression, this in case I would study Legal Psychology and other option is study about Adult Psychotherapy Clinic
Where I would like to study would be in some Spanish speaking country because other languages are difficult for me, but anyway I would like to work in my country because I think that this way I could contribute more closely with the different pleople or groups, for this reason I think I would like to study in a other country because this open news ways and experiences.
I don't know how I would like study, I think what part time because this can a good alternative for case If I work in the future.
Studying sexual violence has to be a very challenging thing to do :(