Quarantine Hobbie
I love paint and before Quarantine I begun paint on ceramics mugs, I adore make mugs with differents drawing, but after Quarantine I couldn't go buy mugs, because of this I started learning embroider on Youtube, for me this activity calms my anxiety. I love embroider I love the colors of the threds, and mix these.
I did Frida Khalo embroider on bag for my mom, and in my own bag I did embroider a lot of little embroiders but when the class begun I didn't continue whit this.
Why I love embroider is because this make me feel relaxed, and I can find peace of my mind, i don't have thinks distressing when I put the needle on the bag and when I can see the way of the patterns i can feel satisfaction of this and when I finish the embroider I love the results even if I cant embroider like profesional.
In the future i wish will learned make paint embroidering like landscapes or embroidered portraits, meanwhile I will continue whit the practice and sould learned embroidery stitches on internet. Also I wish participate in some workshop of embroider for learn with major accuracy.
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