I am Catalina Carrillo, I was born in hospital Salvador, Santiago, on the 19th of August. I studied in two different schools, in the elementary I studied in San Jose Obrero, a mixed school, where I met my best friends. In  high school I studied in the boarding Carmela Silva Donoso school. And now I am studying at University of Chile. 

My parents are a crazy and beautiful couple, my mom is very nice and smiling, and my dad is  full of jokes, he always makes us laugh. I have a brother, he is very sporty, he lives in Arica. I have one cat,her name is Eren, and she loves to sleep.

I like to listening to music, and paint. Also I practice karate some days a week. I like to drink tea and eat sweet snacks. I love to watch movies of Ghibli, and talk to with my friends.


  1. I also like to drink tea! especially the English tea

  2. Happy birthday Cata!! I hope you have a wonderful day. (;

  3. Happy birthday!! have a nice day. And your cat's name is very cute

  4. Happy birthday Cata!!! congratulation, I like to watch movies of Ghibli too!!!!

  5. Happy birthday Cata! I like to drink tea too, especially in cold days!

  6. Happy birthday Cata!, about you publication I love the cats, mine is called Diana olso liked sleep

  7. Happy birthday! and your cat is very pretty


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